Revenue Growth Consulting

1. Your customers, including changes in the customer's environment or buying preferences?
2. Your offerings, including the products and services you design and field? Do they fully meet your customer's current budgets and needs? Are they sharply differentiated from other alternatives? Does your business model need to be adjusted?
3. Competitor activities? Or from other changes in your external environment, such as in the macroeconomic factors noted in "PESTEL"? (
4. Your own structures and systems? Do your shortfalls arise from your own performance, or that of partners or channels to market? Could an audit of your sales and business development processes help? Does the problem come from a poor integration between sales and marketing systems? Or does it result from a failure of critical market intelligence and early warning systems?
The last element is often key: If you had been aware of customer or competitive market changes earlier, would you have been able to act faster to seize an opportunity or to avert the loss of a customer? So often we hear of companies learning about market changes only after a competitor has moved, or a customer has moved on. Our consulting work focuses on any of the four areas listed above
• We provide stellar customer intelligence; and give crucial support to "must win" bids and strategic sales campaigns.
• We are expert at new product/service development; we can help you get to market faster with more profitable products.
• We are known for competitor and market intelligence research that reaches into every corner of the globe. We can help you with the acquisition of this data; or help you build a system to get it yourself.
• Finally, we can help you build business development, early warning, and opportunity scanning systems to help you find new revenues and to avert losses in highly competitive markets.
Whom does this benefit?
Any company or team that has high revenue goals and higher obstacles to reaching them; product managers with internal issues with new product development, or external competitive issues; senior executives who want to build sustainable drivers for growth that outlast their tenure.
How Does it Work?
The solution, of course, depends upon the problem at hand - and the time available to solve it. Our basic approach is always to help you identify all the dynamics of the problem, and then to hone your ability to solve your own concerns. Sometimes, you may need third-party help obtaining customer, competitor, or other market intelligence; or perhaps special market influence analysis. We do that: But in the end, we want to leave you tangibly better able to grow at the rates that your stakeholders demand, and be able to measure those results
Where Do I Start?
Most of our processes are not put into play until after we’ve conducted diagnostic. You may already know exactly what you need. If not – we are careful to avoid prescribing a remedy until we can both describe what's wrong, and know in detail what you've already tried. Bennion Diagnostics Tell us your targets. Let's see what we can do to help you reach them.
Contact us today to learn more about Bennion Group
Who We Are
We are a global consulting company focused on helping our clients achieve top-line revenue growth. We are experts in product and market strategy, market influence, and competitive intelligence.